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Supreme Nutrition Products is an online platform dedicated to providing high-quality nutritional supplements and wellness products.

Supreme Nutrition Products

Supreme Nutrition Products is an online platform dedicated to providing high-quality nutritional supplements and wellness products. 

With the main demographic being physicians who practice applied kinesiology, other AK teachers have offered ideas and come up with products we were able to produce and we welcome your ideas.We have recently found many of the lyme literate medical doctors have been adding our products to their protocols also.

So what in our opinion makes Supreme different?

1) Raw material selection must also pass applied kinesiological evaluation as do the capsules, etc.

2) No fillers, binders, etc. added. This gets harder and harder and even many raw materials are diluting their “natural, organic” products with maltodextrin to prevent caking. As a result we had to drop a few raw materials from our products.

3) We supply free test kits to new wholesale customers with your first order over $100. Also every time a product comes from a new batch we supply a new test vial to replace the old one so you are testing what you have in stock. This is incredibly important and I do not think most companies do that.

4) Most of our products only have one ingredient. Doing it this way we are not doing a shotgun approach but supplying the ingredient that will be most effective. For instance in killing a parasite, it is in our opinion better to give the one herb that tests effective as opposed to a product with many ingredients some of which may be effective and some not effective. Thus there may not be enough of the effective ingredients to make a real change with the patient.

5) We do not used standardized herbs that have undergone processing (often unnatural) to alter the ratios that naturally occur in the product but keep our products as natural as possible.

6) Most of our products are organic and/or wildcrafted but occasionally one that is not certified will out test and outperform ones that are so again our testing is the bottom line.

7) No vitamins, minerals, amino acids, alcohol, etc. are used in our products.

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