Dr. Chris Motley - BioStacking 1.0 Interview
A Talk by Dr. Chris Motley DC (Founder, www.doctormotley.com)
About this Talk
About Dr. Chris Motley, DC:
I am grateful and thankful to experience, study, and practice healthcare as my chosen field for life. I particularly enjoy practicing it from a Chinese Medicine viewpoint. The art, science, and integration of both eastern and western medicine has been a foundation in my health studies. To say that one form of medicine is better than the other can only create tension and disharmony. Unity of ideas and knowledge is what I believe brings healing and cures.
In Chinese Medicine, sickness comes from tension, disharmony, or imbalance. Alignment, ease, and detachment within the body create a space for healing. When all forms of healthcare can fall into alignment, in their proper place, the greatest healing for a patient can occur. A practitioner that believes that they have all the answers to one persons health could miss different approaches to help a patient heal quicker and faster.