Dr. Noah Lebowitz - BioStacking 1.0 Interview
A Talk by Dr. Noah Lebowitz DC (Founder, Supreme Nutrition Products)
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About Dr. Noah Lebowitz, DC
Chiropractor and Applied Kinesiologist (AK) who treats athletes, sports injuries, and the chronically ill. Using AK has allowed Dr. Lebowitz to help professional athletes (NHL, MLB, PGA, etc. increase performance). Also he treats many people with depression, chronic fatigue, IBS, intestinal issues, weight loss, arthritis, autoimmune conditions, lyme, and many other issues by getting to the root cause.
"Most of what I know has come from watching my father teach and work on patients growing up. Once I started in chiropractic school I started to pick his brain more and more to try and gain some of the knowledge he has accumulated over his 30+ years in practice. Dr Lebowitz has trained over 2,000 DCs, MDs, DOs, and NDs in his protocol. He has had rural practices in West Virginia and then Colorado where he attracted patients in need from across the country. Patients often came to him after exhausting all other options seeing MDs, DCs, and being treated at the Mayo Clinic or Johns Hopkins. After seeing these doctors they often didn’t receive the improvement they needed but Dr. Lebowitz was able to get to the root of their issue to help them restore their health, and lives, to an optimal level. He has worked on many professional NHL, MLB, NFL, olympians, cyclists, runners, etc throughout his years in practice, having great results at increasing performance. Dr. Lebowitz now practices with me in Pukalani / Makawao Maui."
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